IP Overwatch LTD

providing the best Cyber Security solutions

We specialise in utilising cutting edge technology to help identify vulnerabilities & reduce business risk from cyber-attacks.


services we offer

Here are just a few of the services we offer at IP Overwatch LTD please contact us directly for custom tailored options


Vulnerability Assessments 

This type of testing is crucial for organizations to maintain the security of their systems and protect against potential threats.

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24/7 threat monitoring

Threat Monitoring Platform detecting malicious and suspicious activity across three critical attack vectors: Endpoint | Network | Cloud.

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penetration testing

The aim of pen testing is to evaluate the effectiveness of the security controls in place & identify any vulnerabilities.

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Cyber Security consultancy

This involves providing expert advice & solutions to help organizations protect their digital assets.

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cyber security forensics

Investigating and analyzing digital evidence to identify the source and extent of a cyber attack or data breach.

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Cyber security compliance

Helping you meet industry standards to ensure that an organization's information security policies & practices are up to date.

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IP Overwatch LTD

trusted by worldwide clients since 2021.

We are a trusted cyber security company because we have a proven track record of providing effective solutions and services to protect our clients' digital assets and mitigate the risks of cyber attacks.

first on field

Hands on approach to cyber security & we arrive with doughnuts.

easy to reach

UK Support lines awating your call whenever you need to speak to us.

worldwide services

We have clients in the UK, Canada, & The Middle East.

24/7 support

Always ready to help no matter what time or day it is.

Our vision

Why our customers choose to work with us

a variety of factors such as your personal skills, experience, and reputation. However, some common reasons why people might choose to work with us includes:


"Our customers choose to work with us because of our strong reputation for providing high-quality products and exceptional customer service."

Tailored solutions

This helps us to provide our solutions to all business both small and large at competitive prices.

powerful strategies

By offering comprehensive solutions, educating customers, partnering with other businesses, staying up-to-date on emerging threats, and building a strong reputation.


finished projects utilising lots of coffee and code


Created jobs in the cyber security sector


happy customers that have had doughnuts


years Of combined exprience

Business portfolio

portfolio item photo

Vulnerability Scan

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portfolio item photo


Working with amazing partners:


customers testmonials

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